The Rockets Since 1996
Team 34 has always competed in FIRST Robotics Competitions as The Rockets since 1996. The team originally started in Huntsville, AL but later moved to Athens, AL. We are one of the oldest FRC teams not only in our state, but in the world. We've had a rich history of success, but every year brings its own unique challenges. Understanding where you've been helps lay the groundwork for where you will go in the future.

Team 34
- Magnolia Regional - FIRST Impact Award
- Rocket City Regional - Team Spirit Award
- Rocket City Regional - Dean's List Finalist​
- Worlds Championship
- St. Louis Regional
Rocket City Regional
- Tallahassee Regional
Rocket City Regional
At Home competition
Arkansas Rock City Regional – Quarter Finalist
Rocket City Regional – Quarter Finalist
No competition due to pandemic
Arkansas Rock City Regional – Quarter Finalist
Rocket City Regional – Quarter Finalist
St. Louis City Regional- Finalist and Wild Card Winner
Rocket City Regional- Semi-Finalist
Arkansas Rock City Regional – Quarter Finalist
Rocket City Regional – Quarter Finalist
North Carolina Regional- Quarter Finalist
Peachtree Regional- Quarter Finalist
Motorola Quality Award
2009 Peachtree Regional – Quarter Finalist
Peachtree Regional – Best Website Award
FIRST Website Excellence Award
Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism Award
2009 Lone Star Regional – Semi-Finalist
Lone Star Regional – Chrysler Team Spirit Award
2009 Lone Star –Honorable Mention – Safety Fundamental
Peachtree Regional -Best Website Award
Peachtree Regional -Chairman’s Award
Peachtree Regional -Finalist – Silver Medal
FIRST Website Excellence Award
Bayou Regional – Semi Finalist
Incorporated Limestone County Career Technical Center into Team 34
6th Seed at Peachtree Regional
Imagery Award Palmetto Regional
Peachtree Woodie Flowers Award
Peachtree Finalist
Peachtree Engineering Inspiration Award
Peachtree Website Award
Palmetto Xerox Creativity Award
Palmetto Website
Day One Siemens VDO purchases DaimlerChrysler Huntsville Electronics
Bayou Regoinal- Quarter Finalist
Bayou Regional- Quarter Finalist
Bayou Regional- Industrial Design Award
Smokey Mountain Regional - Semi Finalist
Peachtree Regional- Finalist- 2nd in robot competition out of 50 competitive teams
Motorola Quality Award
Team Safety Award
Ed Sparks, an industry mentor, received the Peachtree Regional Woodie Flowers Award
Continental purchases Siemens VDO Automotive
Bayou Regional Quarter Finalist
J&J Sportsmanship Award Bayou Regional
Honorable Mention – Safety Fundamentals Bayou Regional
Palmetto Regional Quarter Finalist
Imagery Award Palmetto Regional
National Imagery Award – National Championship
Sacramento Best Website Award
Peachtree KPCB Award
Palmetto KPCB Award
UL Safety Award
Peachtree Regional Winners
Peachtree Best Website Award
Peachtree Team Spirit Award
Peachtree Motorola Quality Award
Peachtree 3rd Place Autodesk Submission
Lone Star Regional Winner
Lone Star Best Website Award
Judge’s Award
KPCB Award
Lone Star 2nd Place Autodesk Submission
Quarter Finalist National Championship
Lone Star Regional Finalist 2001
“Driving Tomorrow’s Technology” Award
Regional Quarter Finalist 2000 – Virginia Regional formerly known as South Atlantic Regional
2000 Voted Favorite “Sharing FIRST” Team
“Amazing Kids” Award Recipient 2000
Top 5 in the AutoDesk Submission
Incorporated New Century Technology High School into Team 34
Lone Star Regional Winners
Third seed at St. Louis Regional
Imagery Award winner St. Louis Regional
Incorporated Butler High School into Team 34
Top 5 in the AutoDesk Submission
Host of Pilot State Tournament FLL
Day One Daimler and Chrysler merge
Top 9 in the AutoDesk Submission.
1 of 12 Teams in the United States invited by FIRST to participate in the “Havoc on the Hill” Competition at the Congressional Rayburn Building in Washington DC.
Attended FIRST Robotics Nationals at Epcot placed 9th out 113
Chrysler Huntsville Electronics sets out to find local High Schools interested in starting a team.
Bob Jones High School take up Chrysler on their amazing offer.
A team is born and dubbed “Rocket City Robotics” as the team members begin work on the first robot!
Team 34 is the first FIRST team in Alabama